Caregiving for physically disabled children who use wheelchairs (2008)
Download Casey Final ReportThe impact of caregiving for physically disabled children who use wheelchairs on their caregivers' occupational performance, health and satisfaction
Much work is currently being undertaken to explore the content of best static and dynamic seating assessments, determining appropriate prescriptions and optimising the mobility of children who use a wheelchair. However, little is recorded regarding the impact of wheelchair prescription and use upon the parents and caregivers of these children.
This project proposes to undertake a pilot study to explore the impact wheelchair usage has upon the quality of life of caregivers of children who are wheelchair users.
To what extent does wheelchair usage affect the health, activity choice and participation, and mental health of caregivers of these wheelchair users?
To identify what coping skills these caregivers adopt in their management of the children.
It is proposed that this study will explore this impact across a number of domains for the caregivers. These domains include: health, activity, participation, mental health, stress and coping skills.