COVID-19: review of remote assessments and prescription
PMG is currently consulting the membership to help review remote working in wheelchair services - one of the many consequences of the COVID-19 crisis.
We know how busy everyone is, but if you could please find time to contribute to the consultation, it will help inform our session on this topic at the forthcoming PMG conference. Could you therefore kindly respond to as many of the following questions as possible about your remote interactions with service users, and send your answers via email to by 24th July 2020. Thank you very much in advance.
1. What kind of appointments have you conducted remotely, e.g. assessments, reviews, etc?
2. Would you say remote appointments have any advantages over face-to-face appointments, apart from enabling social distancing? If so, please tell us what these advantages are.
3. Remote appointments have the big disadvantage of not allowing hands-on contact with service users and their equipment. How have you addressed this?
4. Have you defined boundaries for what can and cannot be achieved in remote appointments?
5. Please indicate if there are any other limitations or constraints with remote appointments?
6. Is there anything from working practices developed during the pandemic that you would like to keep when it's over?
7. What systems, software or otherwise, have you used to conduct remote appointments?
Kindly email your contribution to by 24th July 2020; we look forward very much to hearing from you.
PMG Trustees
17th July 2020