Past Presentations

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PMG holds an annual conference (previously called the National Training Event or NTE) that showcases the most important developments in the field of wheeled mobility and posture. It brings together clinical scientists, consultants, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, rehabilitation engineers, service managers and others, working in the NHS and in the charitable and commercial sectors. This interdisciplinary forum promotes best practice, and presents contemporary research and case studies at the leading edge of the posture and wheeled mobility field. PMG has also been a key partner in international conferences, the most recent being held in Glasgow in 2010.  

From 2008 onwards, many of the papers presented at these conferences have been recorded on video, and are available to view online here. This great resource gives members the opportunity to watch key presentations, allowing you to study when you want, where you want. There are hours of presentations by clinicians and others at the forefront of practice and research in posture and mobility and related fields, both nationally and internationally. 

We’ve included all the video we have available, including from Teach RT in Scotland; in more recent years, we have also been adding many poster presentations in pdf format for you to download and study.

During the Pandemic, when PMG was unable to put on the annual conference, we hosted occasional webinars, and the recordings of these are also available for members to view.

Should you encounter difficulties in accessing a webcast or poster, please get in touch so that we can resolve any issues as soon as possible.